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Natural Resources Canada - Clean Energy Bulletin

The  Latest News from Natural Resources Canada, Clean Energy Bulletin  (Retscreen International). Developer, Del Ridge Homes has shown Burlington Ontario Condo owners what energy efficient living can deliver.  With superior indoor comfort and energy savings of $3700 a year, owners can chuckle to themselves every time they walk in the door. The most surprising thing about this 101 unit building is that it cost 25% less than a regular new energy guzzling condo in the area.  

Hats off to Del Ridge Homes for obliterating the myth that reducing green house gas costs too much. Read the full report here 

Retscreen news can be found here.

In other news CMHC's Housing Research e-Newsletter 2015-05  reports the findings of its study called Energy Simulations of Strategies to Achieve Low-Energy, Multi-unit Residential Building Designs in Different Regions of Canada 68292. Pitting the Passive house standard against a code built Multi-unit CMHC show's the wisdom of insulation vs fossil fuel.  Again the findings are decisive very low energy buildings are cost effective. Read this report here

The big question now is. . . How long will it take for large and small builders to realize they are missing a huge opportunity?

Added: Thu June 4th 2015